Monday, December 1, 2014

Map Blog Post #10 Bivariate

 I think this is a very interesting Bivariate map. Proportional symbol and dot density are not commonly combined. Also the dots are separated into two categories and different colors and shapes. Does this then make it a trivariate map? I am assuming it is an older map because it is making an estimate of what the population will be in the 1970 census. I do not think the dots should be colored red with the orange proportional symbols because it blobs a bit. I would have used blue or green for contrast. 

Map Blog Post #9 Dot Density

This is a map of diagnosed cases of HIV for Thai men between 18-28. I chose this map because you often don't come across maps of Thailand very often on the internet. Secondly I think the population clusters are interesting because of the countries unusual geography.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Lab 10 Bivariate

This is my chloropleth combination map of North Carolina. This maps the average acreage per farm in comparison to the county population.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Map Blog #8:Isoline

This map is from the Texas Water Development Board. I see more of what is wrong with this map than what is right. First, the lines themselves are very rectangular and straightedge. I don't like the lack of curvature, but also the stroke of the line is too bold and it overwhelms the county and city boundaries. Also the number cutoffs are at strange intervals, especially in the East. The color guide is good but the shades of blue are too similar. 60 inches makes a very small section that you cannot even see. If it the intervals were grouped around 6-8 inches it would make the map flow easier.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Map Blog #7 Symbology

This map is interesting for a few reasons. One it is using states only west of the Mississippi River. Second it uses a 3-d spherical shape for the symbology which is not seen very often. The display in terms of the shapes combined with the statistics is done very well, but I do not like the red and white radial pattern in the title and the spheres.

Lab 9 Dot Density

Here is my dot density map of the Irish Population of West Virginia based along the population patterns of the state.